Friday, September 25, 2015

Sneak Peek

{55 Willow Ave the Boutique!}

So I kind of sort of decided that I'm going to try my hand at opening a "micro-boutique". What?! I know, right?!!  A long time dream of doing something creative and fun is finally starting to take shape.  It's still a few weeks off, but I'll be opening a real life
 55 Willow Ave mini boutique inside an old historical Cotton Mill. The place is home to so many creative minds, inventors, upscalers, and thrifters. My boutique will be focused on gorgeous repurposed and salvaged barn wood home decor and other one of a kind bohemian designs that I'll be creating by hand. I'm honestly so excited that I decided to go for it, watching things come together is one of the coolest experiences.  It's a ton of work trying to get everything together on time but I always think of the quote, "Nothing worth having comes easy".  

We're working hard, like really, really hard and building some of the most beautiful things full of love. I'm so proud of us, proud that we're going for it, and most of all, excited to see where the future brings us! So definitely stay tuned, I'll be sharing a lot in the upcoming weeks! 


  1. Good for all y'all. Congratulations and can't wait to hear and see what your treasure trove of talent produces!

    1. Thank you so much sweet friend! I can't wait to scope out your blog! {HUGS}
