Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Here's To New Adventures

If you asked me 3 years ago where I thought I'd be, chances are not moving to Georgia.  I had the wild and crazy idea of staying close to home and near those I love.  But life had different plans for us, ones we weren't even aware of at that point.  So let's start at the beginning of all these adventures.

So many have asked me what my husband does, what crazy CIA or Covert Op job does he have that we follow it so willingly from state to state.  Well, he's the IT  manager for North America for a Biotechnology company.  We decided a few years back, through up's and down's with his company, as it changed owners a half dozen times, that we were going to see where it takes us.  Why not? And it just so happens that it sent us to Europe twice and soon to be 4 states that we've lived in.  And as I write this I'm pretending that all of my stuff that is soon to be boxed up starting next week isn't bothering me.  But I totally assure you it does.

This will be our 4th state in 2 1/2 years.  It's a demanding and draining experience that brings a slew of amazing happiness trailing behind it.  Once all of the packing and unpacking is done, that's when the truly awesome part of the adventure starts.  I've had the privilege of seeing new places and meeting new people.  Seeing the way people live in cities as opposed to rural farmland.  I've lived on a harbor on the coast of Connecticut and in the mountains of rural New Jersey, or as some call it, "Pennsyltucky".  I grew up in Westchester, NY right along the historic Hudson River, and went to college in New York City on the upper east side. Our first place was a tiny 450sq ft cottage that seems like a distant memory at this point.  And now, now I live on the side of a mountain where bear are our closest neighbors.  Some days I step back and can't believe how many times I've packed and unpacked the same things, but then I realize how truly amazing it is to stand where I stand and to have that opportunity to get out from the place you've always been.  For some people that's scary, my mother being one of them.  Her heart is where she lives and has always live and I admire her for that so greatly.  For us, we needed to see and do more, we need to experience life and travel... and so a month and a half ago we took the plunge yet again and signed the papers for another transfer.  And my heart sank at the immense amount of work we knew we were in for.

That being said, we knew one day we wanted to settle down also, we are both in our 30's so let's face it, it's time!  Hahaha! And the biggest downside of moving so often is that you never really get to know anyone or make good friends.  We've never been anywhere long enough to do so.  An unfortunate sacrifice of moving around.  So we decided that since we both fell in love with Georgia years ago, that we would take the biggest step ever and buy our first home and plant some roots!  And might I just add, to all you home owners out there, I applaud and bow before you, it is a process of all processes and a force of nature all in it's own.  We are absolutely drained and can't wait for the end result.  Some nights when I finally get to sit down I just look at pictures of our house, knowing how close it's getting and to not throw a tantrum about it all or yell at undeserving pedestrians.  I try.

This will be our biggest and hopefully our last adventure for a long time.  We are so excited... that word seems undeserving of our true emotions... maybe I should say we are jumping out of ourselves with anticipation of the joy that's about to come, we literally can't contain it at this point!  We're like little bubbles of happiness waiting to explode at any moment.  And more often than not we find ourselves chit-chatting in bed like two best friends plotting our next wild adventure together.  Exciting things are on the horizon, and I will try to update the blog as often as possible with photos and details and share it all with everyone.  I am just so honored to have this life and to share life with others!

  Sneak Peek House Photos!

Sitting Room

Great Room + Kitchen

Master Bath


  1. I am so happy you're back to blogging! You have such a beautiful way with words - I feel your emotions with you! I am so excited for you! Oh magnolias, one of my favorite flowers! Your new house is lovely! I can't wait to see how you turn it into your home! Safe travels, my friend, and Happy New Year!

    1. Awe, thank you sweet friend, that means the world to me!!! I'm so honored that you've enjoy my craziness, Thank you! 💛

  2. (Found you through the FMSPhotoADay challenge on IG) I totally empathize with you. I'm from NYC myself, and moved all the way to Utah, away from all of my friends and family to work for a major tech company. While it's not where I would envision myself (location-wise), I wouldn't trade the growth and experiences for anything!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping in! I know, I can't stand the act of packing up boxes and not having my creature comforts, but you said it perfectly.. the reward is the experience you gain. I wouldn't trade it either, and we totally are looking forward to Georgia but we will both miss friends and family. Hope you're adjusting quickly!!
